There’s nothing like coming home to a fresh, greener than green, healthy lawn. A damaged lawn can really put a damper on not only your curb appeal, but can also easily set the tone for your overall mood when you get home.
It isn’t a secret that a lot goes into achieving a beautiful, healthy lawn. From consistent mowing, trimming, and edging to upkeep like lawn fertilization and weed control. It takes a pretty regimented maintenance schedule to keep your lawn looking better than ever.
Did you know that maintenance services like fertilization for your lawn and weed control can easily take up a decent portion of your lawn upkeep budget? You can expect to pay anywhere between $80-380 for a one-time lawn fertilization and $75-105 for one application of weed pre-treatment and weed control. However, there are ways to cut costs and increase savings!
Many homeowners are now turning to robotic mowers (a.k.a automowers) for this surprising cost saving and advantage! Husqvarna automowers help save on other landscape expenses like fertilizer and lawn care.
Introducing “Billy”
Billy, the name of our Husqvarna Automowers® at Plants Creative Landscapes, is programmed to mow ongoing, rain or shine, and most importantly 24/7 during the most active growing season. Billy’s special blades create small clippings that fertilize your lawn, and his consistent cut keeps moss and weeds away, allowing for huge cost savings on supplemental weed control.
Since Billy clips your yard slowly and gently (quarters of an inch at a time), the clippings can decompose more quickly, allowing the soil to absorb nutrients, which also reduces the need for seasonal fertilizer applications. Additionally, Billies weigh tremendously less than traditional mowers, reducing soil compaction, allowing the lawn to be able to better absorb fertilizers.
The Sustainable Impact
It’s also been proven that persistent herbicides can remain active in the environment for long periods of time, potentially causing soil and water contamination, which can result in adverse effects to the environment.
Automowers help to keep lawns more naturally healthy by ultimately reducing the amount of chemical applications to the earth. We are on a mission to have Billies support us in reducing fertilizer and weed control applications, without sacrificing the health and vigor of your lawn, by 40%.
Learn more about the benefits of our Husqvarna Automowers® by watching our video below.
Let Billy Cut Your Lawn
If you are an existing maintenance customer, we can upgrade your service plan with a Billy for a $100 a month or potentially even less depending on your existing service plan, shifting the time spent mowing to allow greater focus on pruning and ornamental bed weed control. If you are interested in upgrading your service plans, please contact us here.
For our non-maintenance customers, as Husqvarna dealers, we can also install Billies outside of service plans, as 1-time installs, and free up time spent mowing on the weekends. With the right lawn type for the growing environment, and the right mowing schedule, lawns will naturally be more healthy. If you are interested in getting a Billy installed on your property, please contact us here.