At the start of every year, I look forward to providing our customers with an update on all things Plants Creative. Everything we do is about being a company you are proud to work with. Thank you to all who completed our quick survey in January. I read all responses and appreciate you taking the time to share feedback. I especially enjoyed the ideas provided within the “start, stop, or keep doing” question: we have a creative and brilliant bunch of customers!
Here are our 4 top initiatives heading into 2024:
1. In support of our environmental sustainability efforts:
- We began replacing 2-cycle maintenance equipment with battery powered equipment, and experimenting with autonomous mowers, in 2019. In 2024, we are continuing our efforts to transition from gas to electric, expanding into 3 new zip codes. On April 1st, we’re expanding our battery powered maintenance services into 30345, 30327, and 30033, bringing us up to 5 trucks and quickly heading towards truck #6 this year.
- Automowers. We’re up to almost 70 of these crazy robots! We’re loving the natural health benefits we’re seeing on lawns because of the 24/7 mowing capabilities. We’ll continue sharing these benefits with new and existing customers and installing units on properties throughout 2024.
**NOTE: Our Connect technicians will begin spring deliveries of automowers on properties beginning the week of March 11th. If you’re interested in exploring if an automower would work on your property, click here to schedule an appointment with our Automower specialist.
2. Connect by Plants Creative:
- Last spring, we expanded our irrigation division into a Smart Landscapes division called Connect, where we also offer smart lighting solutions and outdoor audio systems. This year we are excited about continuing to grow our irrigation services, focusing on water savings and a smarter distribution of water for healthy landscapes. Our Genius Service Plan provides a tremendous value for customers: at $62/month, it eliminates out-of-pocket expenses for annual irrigation system management, while providing a state-of-the-art controller, personalized weather station, priority scheduling and discounts for system upgrades, and more.
*NOTE: Our Connect technicians will begin spring startup of controllers beginning the week of March 18th. If you’d like to discuss a service plan for spring that covers the cost of startup, please reach out!
3. Addition of a training specialist for our maintenance division:
- Many of you know CT, and those who do, know his passion for all things horticulture. We have moved him into a new role - perhaps his dream role - as a Horticultural Development Coach (HDC). He has been busy developing and beginning to implement a robust training program for our production teams.
4. Transition of our lawn and tree/shrub programs into hybrid organic plans:
- What’s this mean? For lawns, we’ll be providing two synthetic weed pre-emergent applications to control weed outbreaks, supported by a 100% organic fertilization program. For shrubs, we’re using 100% organic fertilizers, supported on an as-needed basis by insecticides and fungicides to knock out seasonal problems.
**NOTE: Please reach out through our customer portal, your Property Care Manager, or our office if you’re interested in knowing more about these hybrid organic plans!
I really tried to keep this short…thank you for reading! As always, we have so many other things in the works at Plants Creative that we’re excited to share. Stay tuned!
Thank you for being a Plants Creative customer, we’re truly grateful for your confidence in our services.
Pam Dooley, Owner